It's the Little Victories

Published on 6 July 2023 at 22:03

I must admit I have the hardest time keeping the negativity at bay, I am trying to train myself to stay positive. I catch myself complaining constantly at work, I am not very nice when it comes to loving myself, and I still struggle with procrastination. I have noticed that giving myself little goals to give myself a feeling of accomplishment. In taking a look at myself internally I expect fast results for little effort and when I don't get what I'm looking for I get upset and give up. Yesterday I decided to take a short walk to get some type of exercise in my life because let's face it I don't move around much. That small goal I set and accomplished really made me feel good that day. I have done the same thin g today except I walked for a little longer. I felt like I am finally making strides in the right direction and for that I will apply the small goal rule. Try it and let me know how it works out for you. 

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